What does tire pressure sensor fault mean and how to fix it

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  • Posted in Guides / How To
  • 2 mins read

Modern cars rely on intricate systems to ensure optimal performance and safety, and the Tire Pressure Monitor System (TPMS) plays a crucial role. This guide delves into what does tire pressure sensor fault mean and how to diagnose it. At the end of this guide you will be equipped with how to diagnose common problems, and potentially correct them yourself.

Understanding the System:

Two main types of TPMS exist:

  • Direct System: Individual sensors within each tire transmit real-time pressure data to the vehicle’s ECU.
  • Indirect System: Utilizes the wheel speed sensors of the ABS system to detect changes in rolling radius caused by underinflation.

Regardless of the type, the system triggers a warning light on your dashboard when tire pressure falls below a certain threshold, typically 25% below the recommended pressure.

Common TPMS Issues and Troubleshooting:

  1. Sensor Malfunction:
    • Symptoms: Warning light remains on even after inflating tires correctly.
    • Diagnosis: Check individual tire pressures with a reliable gauge. If pressures are correct, suspect a faulty sensor. Consult a professional for replacement.
  2. Low Battery:
    • Symptoms: Warning light illuminates intermittently.
    • Diagnosis: Replacement batteries may not be available for all sensor types. Consult a professional for diagnosis and possible sensor replacement.
  3. System Communication Errors:
    • Symptoms: Erratic warning light behavior, inconsistent pressure readings.
    • Diagnosis: Consult a professional for specialized diagnostic tools and expertise.

Fixing the Flaws:

While some basic issues like low tire pressure can be rectified yourself, attempting repairs like sensor replacement or system diagnostics is generally recommended for professionals due to:

  • Technical complexity: Specialized tools and knowledge are often required.
  • Safety concerns: Improper sensor handling can lead to leaks or system malfunctions.
  • Warranty considerations: DIY repairs might void warranties on sensors or related components.

Proactive Maintenance Tips:

  • Regularly check tire pressure: Don’t rely solely on the TPMS, use a reliable gauge monthly.
  • Maintain proper inflation: Refer to your car’s manual for recommended tire pressure.
  • Address slow leaks promptly: Ignoring small leaks can damage the sensor and shorten its lifespan.
  • Rotate tires regularly: This ensures even wear and tear, preventing premature sensor issues.

Remember: A properly functioning TPMS is critical for optimal tire performance, fuel efficiency, and safety. While some basic troubleshooting is possible, seeking professional help for repairs ensures proper diagnosis and avoids potential complications. By understanding your TPMS and prioritizing proper maintenance, you can navigate the road with confidence and peace of mind.